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Pekalongan Outdoor Furniture

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2020 11:47 AM WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-07-10T04:17:43Z
Pekalongan Outdoor Furniture. According to its kind, furniture is distinguished into 2 types, indoor furniture, ie furniture used in the space, and outdoor furniture, which is used outdoors. These two furniture have a variety of models, adapted to the function, of course with a choice of colors that can be adjusted to your liking. Then what the heck distinguishes them? The difference of indoor furniture vs outdoor. Pekalongan Outdoor Furniture.

Pekalongan Outdoor Furniture
Pekalongan Outdoor Furniture

Indoor Furniture vs Outdoor

Indoor Furniture

According to the placement, indoor furniture can be in the form of furniture to fill the sleeping room, living room, kitchen, family room, and others. So indoor furniture can be a bed, kitchen cabinet, dining table, guest chair, sofa, wardrobe, and others.

For indoor furniture, because it is used indoors, the choice of materials used will be more flexible. Can be made of wood materials Mahony, teak, and other wood or even use mix plywood or MDF. For indoor furniture, materials used will be more flexible because it is not exposed to heat and rain continuously.

Outdoor Furniture

Outfoor furniture is generally placed outside the space such as terraces and gardens that will be exposed to heat and rain and weather changes. Therefore, the material used is also not recklessly, it must be made of strong material and resistant to all weather.

For the type of wood used are also more limited, such as teak wood mixed with iron or stainless steel, so that furniture is not quickly damaged. In addition to teak wood, durable plastic materials and stainless steel are also the right choice to make the furniture last longer.

Actually, the kind of material used on outdoor and indoor furniture is not much different, only different in quality. The use of indoor and outdoor furniture should be precise for predictable damage and avoid possible accidents or errors due to improper furniture conditions. Especially for outdoor furniture that comes in contact with the soil, it will be faster to suffer damage such as kerosene, weathered, cracks or changes in shape.

Do you want to have a beautiful garden with a pleasant terrace? Visit the Dream Patio collection from Pekalongan and discover hundreds of quality products for your terrace and garden decoration.

Articles and Photos have been published on ruparupa.com using Indonesian language 

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