




Preventing the risk of crop failure, Kementan remind farmers of Pekalongan to join AUTP

Rabu, 08 Juli 2020 3:47 PM WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-02-17T00:11:32Z
The Padi Business Insurance / Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP) is important because it is beneficial for farmers who have failed to harvest. It was confirmed by the Ministry of Agriculture seeing the conditions that befall hundreds of hectares of rice fields in Pekalongan.

Preventing the risk of crop failure, Kementan remind farmers of Pekalongan to join AUTP
Sumber: https://www.liputan6.com/

The Rob Flood struck Pekalongan, making hundreds of hectares of paddy fields on the unmerged coastline. In fact, the age of rice plants about 1 to 30 days after planting.

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According to Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo, business in the agriculture sector is always faced with a number of problems that could cause crop failure, especially rice crop. In addition to flooding, other threats that can befall are drought, pest attack and disease of plant or pest-intrusion organisms.

"These conditions must be anticipated farmers. Do not suffer losses due to natural conditions. The Government of Sdah provides solutions through AUTP. This Program provides protection against the risk of uncertainty by ensuring farmers get working capital to try to farm from insurance claims, "he explained.

While the Director general of Agriculture and agricultural facilities (PSP) Kementan Sarwo Edhy said, with the guarantee of protection from AUTP, farmers can finance the crop in the next season.

"The risks guaranteed in AUTP include floods, droughts, pest attacks and OPT. Pests on rice crops, among others, Brown planthoppers, stem borers, Walang sangit, Keong mas, mice and caterpillars Grayak. While the diseases of paddy plants, such as, Tungro, blast diseases, rotten stems, dwarf grass, and hollow dwarfs. Pest and disease attack will cause damage that can cause crop failure so that farmers will suffer losses, "he explained.

Sarwo Edhy added, in case of risks to the insured plant, as well as crop damage or crop failure, the AUTP claim will be processed if qualified.

The flood struck Pekalongan and made hundreds of hectares of paddy fields on the unmerged coastline.
"With the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the claim, the insurance company will pay the insurance claim by bank transfer to the farmer group account. So farmers will not get a loss, they are helped and can re-plant, "he said

Under the provisions of the claims policy will be obtained if, the intensity of damage reaches 75% based on the natural plot area of rice crop. The claim payment for land area of one hectare amounted to six million rupiah.

Payment for compensation for claims is executed at least 14 calendar days from the event news of damage inspection results. Indemnity payments are executed via the transfer to the account.

"For farmers who want to follow AUTP, registration time can be initiated one month before the planting season begins. To make it easier to start joining farmer groups. Because, farmer groups accompanied by PPL and UPTD subdistrict will help explain and fill the registration form according to the form provided, "he explained.
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