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Mayor of Pekalongan Add incentives RT/RW Rp 100 thousand

Rabu, 08 Juli 2020 3:53 PM WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-02-17T00:11:30Z
Mayor of Pekalongan Mochammad Saelany Machfudz said to overcome the problem of pandemic Covid-19 and Rob the plague that befalls the city of Pekalongan since the beginning of June, requires synergy between the city of Pekalongan and society.

Sumber: infosekitarpekalongan.com

According to the mayor of the village as the smallest unit of government become a leading guard Meanwhile, RT and RW are strategic partners in public affairs.

' ' This is not only in preventing the transmission of Covid-19, but also Rob's handling in the city of Pekalongan, ' ' said mayor during a video conference with Camat, Lurah and chairman of RT/RW in the city of Pekalongan discuss the handling of emergency response Banji Rob.

In the video conference, Lurah, Camat and Keua RT/RW in the city of Pekalongan were asked to strengthen the handling of ROB and Covid-19. Pemkot of Pekalongan also give additional incentive to chairman of RT and RW Se-Kota Pekalongan Rp 100.000 per month for three months during the treatment period of Covid-19 outbreak.

READ ALSO: Rob floods, Pemkot of Pekalongan prepare for emergency Response Fund RP 3.3 billion

The mayor hopes that with additional incentives to motivate and keep the spirit of RT and RW managers to control the prevention of the outbreak of Covid-19 epidemic and the flood rob in their environment.

The mayor said, during the Covid-19 pandemic, RT and RW administrators have data and reported citizen health conditions. During coordination, RT and RW told real conditions in the environment.

"Not only when the Covid-19 pandemic, but also pascarob is happening in the city of Pekalongan," he said. RT and RW are instrumental in delivering a message from the Pemkot of Pekalongan which is directly delivered to the community, both encouragement and information.

The mayor asks RT/RW to continue inviting residents to wear masks, wash hands with flowing water and soap or use a hand sanitizer, keep the physical distance safe from at least 1 meter and not swarm, and keep the behavior of the living clean.

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