




Earth charity in a bedecently Jenggot Neighborhoods

Kamis, 09 Juli 2020 2:37 PM WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-02-17T00:11:29Z
The reading of Manaqib & Tahlil in the Alms event of the Earth. Attended Kyai, Ustadz, RT & RW and community leaders in the village of Beard walked solemnly. Wednesday (8/7) morning.

Earth charity in a bedecently Beard village
Sumber: https://kec-selatan.pekalongankota.go.id/

The ALMS event is a hereditary tradition in the village in the month of Dzulqo'dah/Legeno month, as a manifestation of our gratitude to Allah SWT. In this occasion the reading of Manaqib & Tahlil led by KH. Qenawy. Also present the South Pekalongan Camat Mahbub Syauqi, SH.

The Lurah Beard Taibin, A.Md says this Earth's alms is to preserve our predecessor traditions in the month of Dzulqo'dah, if in villages there are held a government, education and so forth, but in the village of Beard by holding a reading Manaqib which continued reading Tahlil and pray for the elders and officials of the predecessor village.

"Recitation of the Manakib & Tahlil as gratitude and pray for the elders and our predecessors also pray for the village apparatus that has preceded us, the charity alms is for the earth that we walked, Earth who has issued food for us, there is Pari, Polowijo and so also is our gratitude to Allah SWT ". The word Taibin.
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