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Making International Driving License Can be Accessed Online

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2020 11:31 AM WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-02-12T04:20:05Z
Good news for the citizens of Pekalongan who want to have international driver's license. International SIM applicant does not need to come directly to the Satpas police Kordatang Polri, because POLRI has provided international SIM making service online in the current ' new normal '.

International SIM Making Can be Accessed Online
International SIM Making Can be Accessed Online

"Applicants using this service will get an international SIM book and will be sent to the home address via delivery service. So, no longer need to service office in Korjadi Polri, "Obviously Kasatlantas Polres Pekalongan City AKP Sutono, yesterday.

Kasatlantas explained that the applicant simply open the International SIM registration website on the siminternasional.korlantas.polri.go.id page and prepare the required documents.

After entering the website Korhereafter, then the applicant register online by entering the data fill and upload a photo of a valid document such as driver's license, ID CARD, Passport, KITAP (special FOREIGNERS), then upload a photo Pas with a white background and upload a photo of the signature.

After filling and uploading complete data, applicant will receive the payment account number using BRIVA BRI to perform the payment phase of PNBP SIM International and delivery services.

"Proof of payment will be sent through email. Payment can also be done in non cash through ATM, M-Banking, Internet Banking, or cash deposit at the bank, "he added.

The next stage, the applicant after making payment, then the officer in the International SIM Service office will receive confirmation electronically, then the officer will perform the verification and validation of the applicant's data and perform the data identification.

"If the requirements are complete and appropriate, then the officer will do the international SIM book printing, then make the delivery according to the applicant's choice," said Sutono.

After the completion of the international SIM making, he said, the applicant can provide a service assessment by providing a Community Satisfaction Index (IKM), as a form of satisfaction to the assessment of Service Officers international Satpas SIM.

"All these services, intended to provide convenience to the community with a stay at home, the applicant can feel the process quickly and stay waiting at home only," he concluded.

Articles and Photos have been published on radarpekalongan.com using Indonesian language 

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