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Forest of Pandansari Brebes Mangrove Tourism Opened With Health Protocol

Kamis, 09 Juli 2020 2:56 PM WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-02-17T00:11:25Z
Pandansari Mangrove Forest Tourism Brebes re-opened. However, tourists who want to enter the tourism site must follow the health protocol.

Forest of Pandansari Brebes Mangrove Tourism opened with health protocol
Sumber: panturapost.com

"For 3 months we did not receive tourists in the Pandansari mangrove forest. Currently open for simulation. The number of visitors is limited, and mandatory health protocols, "said a public figure who is also a companion of the Tourist object manager Mangrove Pandansari, Mashadi, Monday 6 July 2020.

Incoming travellers must follow the rules. Like using a mask and not pose a crowd.

"When in front of Check point tourists must be checked in body temperature, wash hands with soap and obliged to use masks when entering the mangrove forest complex," he explained.

Tourists visit at Pandansari Mangrove Forest, Brebes. (Photo: Doc PanturaPost)
Mashadi explained, the impact of the COVID-19 was deeply perceived by the local community, especially in the economic sector. Because most people have a local community as a trader and open a shop complex mangrove forest tourism.

"For three months is very quiet here, there is usually a minimum tourist shopping at the Warung residents. After being closed due to COVID-19, it was very impactful to us here, "he rich.

A visitor from Pekalongan, Hernanda (29) said, do not mind if visiting mangrove forest tourism according to health protocol.

Forest of Pandansari Brebes Mangrove Tourism opened with health protocol
Sumber: panturapost.com

"Yes we follow the existing SOP, if the health protocol Yes must be obeyed. Because the goal is also appropriate in the middle of the pandemic as it is today, "Hernanda said.

Himself with family visiting mangrove Forest natural tourism is also a choice because long enough not to tour.

"Yes can be said less picnic, 3 months of college online at home. Right now to new normal that is important we must use masks, "he concluded.

For information, the entrance rate is still the same as before. For children Rp 10 thousand per child and adult 25 thousand per person. The fare, which includes Jasa Raharja insurance and boat rides to the mangrove forest.

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