




Pekalongan Government Seeks Existence of Wiyana Bakti Teacher

Selasa, 14 Juli 2020 2:45 PM WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-07-10T04:20:14Z
The regency of Pekalongan through the Education and Culture Office received a representative of the honorary teacher who joined in the Wiyata Bakti communication Forum (FKWB) in the Regent meeting room on Wednesday (08/07) morning. Representatives of FKWB were received directly by the regent of Pekalongan Asip Kholbihi SH., M. Si accompanied by head of education and culture Office of Pekalongan, Sumarwati S. Pd., MAP along with the ranks and head of Dinkominfo Anis Rosisi SSos., M. Si.

Pekalongan Government Seeks Existence of Wiyana Bakti Teacher
Pekalongan Government Seeks Existence of Wiyana Bakti Teacher 

The meeting entitled "Audience with the Wiyata Bakti communication Forum" to discuss the existence of the teachers in the worship district of Pekalongan. In the audience, the Regent on behalf of the Government thanked the dedication and sacrifice of the teachers who had taught science to the students.

"The government is now openmid, accepting all input, criticism and advice. We discuss, deliberation then the result of which later we can, which is the medium or long term. ", said the Regent

According to him, there is a policy that is considered a wiyata teacher if later in school there is a state teacher, this later affects the existence of the teacher's Wiyata Bakti so that needs to be called a good way out. Later through the education office will be made a standard norm or system. The regent hopes as the policies of the central government or there are reformulations relating to the status of the teachers. "Of course we will welcome well, beside that there is also a local policy room, in this case the policy of the district," he said

The regent believes that the head of Office is able to make the system so that the proportion of State teachers will not affect the existence of the teacher. The government itself has begun to conduct a position on the existence of a devoted teacher.

Chairman of FKWB Ifan Munawar Chaniago expressed the focal point of the audience this time there are two things, namely recognition and BOSDA, both procedural and nominally. Regarding recognition, the Ministry of Education and Culture has already published a certificate. As for the nominal BOSDA, it is hope there is an increase in the bosda allowance.

Meanwhile, Sumarwati S. Pd., a MAP of the Department of Education and Culture of the regency of Pekalongan said that the teachers who get welfare wiyata bhakti there 1913. "As long as we still need, we protect the teacher of Bhakti Wiyata", said Sumarwati.

It is also explained that nowadays, it still mapped the teacher because the central teachers are the highest in 2 sub-districts namely Bojong and Kesesi. While the shortage of teachers other than in 2 districts is still a lot
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